System Settings

Admin System Settings page of LaraPass v2 Personal Version


You can manage your app's system settings including Maintenance Mode, Application, Social Login, Google reCaptcha and Access Settings from this page.


Maintenance Mode

LaraPass has a build-in maintenace mode that you can activate while performing any backups, maintenance or scheduled downtime.

You can display a custom maintenace message to the user (the input accepts basic html styling).

Once the maintenance mode is active, you can access the app using the secret url. By default it a random string but you can custom the url accordingly - ex:

system-maintenance-1 system-maintenance-2 system-maintenance-3

If you somehow forget the secret url or are unable to access the site during the maintenance period, you can manually disable the maintenance mode in 2 ways -

  • If you have access to console, navigate to the larapass directory and run the command php artisan up
  • If you do not have access to console, open the larapass/storage/framework directory and delete the file titled down

You can checkout our demo video of our build-in maintenance mode in action below:


Application Settings

Set your app's default vault configuration/limitations here -

  • Set the default membership name.
  • Set the no. of vaults each user can create.
  • Set the no. of folders each user can create.
  • Set the no. of sites each user can add.
  • Set the no. of notes each user can add.
  • Set whether the system should send users email notifications when they reach their account limits or not.
